Our company was originally formed in 2007 as a computer service and repair facility operating out of a small 400 sq. ft storefront in northeastern Pennsylvania. After many years (and many clients!), it became obvious that a majority of consumers had machines that were in need of some form of keyboard repair. It seemed as though a replacement keyboard was the best option in each case; however, this caused inconvenience for our customers due to the extensive wait periods for uncommon products that sometimes had to be specially ordered from vendors overseas. There had to be a quicker and easier way to remedy the insignificant, but rather annoying situation of missing keyboard keys.
Bring in QuikFix! We’ve done extensive research to determine how laptop keyboard keys operate, the various methods of attachment, effective removal techniques, as well as cross-compatibility between thousands of models and brands.
We’ve since upgraded to a larger and more expansive warehouse storefront designated to allow us to both increase our inventory of products available and focus on the laptop keyboard repair process.
With our online shop, we wish to give you an easy and hassle-free method of ordering replacement laptop keyboard keys so you can get back to enjoying the full functionality of your machine without the inconvenience of having to undergo an extensive and sometimes costly repair process.
We hope you enjoy using our website and we look forward to serving you with a simple, but necessary product!

Headquartered in Northeast Pennsylvania!